Basic & Advanced Cosmetic Training

Medical Aesthetics training opens thousands of job opportunities for you. This field is a continuously evolving practice. Which means you always need to keep your knowledge up to date.

Education & Training

YMI is very proud to offer a full range of cosmetic classes to beauty professionals that is led by a talented team who have many years of experience and have been able to truly master their techniques. Our medical aesthetic education courses challenge our students to expand their professional horizons and knowledge in the field.

At YMI, we truly want you to succeed in becoming a safe and competent injector. We offer accredited training, ongoing mentorships, shadowing along with added skills workshops to encourage ongoing learning opportunities. Our classes are kept small to ensure maximal hands on opportunities.

We believe that education is the key to success. In an ever-changing world, staying on top of new methods and newly trending procedures is a must for anyone who wishes to pursue a career in medical aesthetics and ensure continued business growth. Our courses are taught by professionals from their chosen fields, allowing our students to benefit from many years of industry experience.


Education and Traning

York medical institute of education

Our Comprehensive Cosmetic Training Courses

York medical institute of education

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